Burleigh Primary School
Attendance & Punctuality
Regular attendance and punctuality at school is important for your child’s well-being. Children who miss school are missing out on essential social interaction which can affect their ability to make friends. The facts show that if your child doesn’t attend school regularly, they are less likely to do as well as other children.
At Burleigh Primary School we are committed to working together with parents to increase the attendance and punctuality of all our pupils.
Did you know your child spends 190 days at school per academic year?
At Burleigh Primary school we expect all our children to aim for 100% attendance each half term, and be on time every day, every week!
A day off here and there adds up!
Days absent from school | Percentage attendance |
0 | 100% |
10 | 95% |
19 | 90% |
28 | 85% |
Every day your child is absent from school affects their education!
The above table demonstrates the relationship between percentage of attendance and days off over the course of a school year. You will notice from the figures that the odd day off really does mount up.
Please be aware that Burleigh WILL NOT authorise any holidays during term time; this is done in the interest of your child’s education.
Every minute counts!
The table below illustrates how being just a few minutes late can have a detrimental effect to your child’s learning and shows figures over the course of a year.
Minutes late per day | School days lost |
5 | 3 |
10 | 6.5 |
15 | 10 |
20 | 13 |
25 | 15 |
Are Attendance & Attainment closely linked?
Year 6 SATs may seem a long way away for some of you, but your child’s attendance can have a big impact upon their chances of success. Lots of people think that missing the odd day here and there can’t do much harm. But even taking a short amount of time out can be a huge problem. Your child may fall behind in their work and then struggle to catch up. This can have a significant effect to their confidence and self-esteem.
We believe that instilling the principles of high attendance and punctuality is essential to developing good habits for pupils’ futures. Not only will good attendance and punctuality help to give your child the best chance with their learning and progress, it will also provide them with vital life skills to help them achieve success now and in the future.
Good habits start at home
Your child’s education is priceless!