Welcome to the PTA section:
Friends at Burleigh School (FABS)
All parents and carers automatically become a member of FABS when their child joins our school. Our ethos is to provide fun activities while raising funds to support the school and so create a happy, friendly, and inclusive environment.
FABs has a simple structure; parents and the committee.
We are a registered Charity and the money we all
raise provides much needed funds for school resources.
Help Raise money for our school
If you use any of the following websites please use our PTA code and earn money for our school: -
Earn 15% commission for your PTA when you buy any Stamptastic product, using this affiliate link: https://bit.ly/STAMPEN89DP
PTA Code: EN89DP
FABS is always looking for help; you do not need to attend meetings or be fully committed to assist - any help is always welcome.
If you are interested, and you would like to talk to someone about joining our committee or our volunteer group, then please leave your name and contact number with the office and one of the FABS team will get in touch or contact us directly at Fabs@burleigh.herts.sch.uk