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School Meal Booking System



School Meal Booking System


A reminder to parents that after the February half term we are moving to a new system for booking and choosing your child’s school meal. If you wish your child to have a school meal you must order it via the SchoolGrid website; children will no longer have the option to make their lunch choice in school.

We will be using SchoolGrid, an online system which will enable you to choose your child’s meals from your home for up to 10 weeks in advance at

We have had a number of questions after our initial communication about this last week:

  • Transfer of balances: Any debit or credit balance that you currently have on the School Gateway system will be transferred across to the new SchoolGrid system during the week commencing 14th February.
  • Absences: If your child is absent you must cancel their lunch yourself via the system or you will be charged.
  • Allergies/Dietary requirements: If your child requires a special dietary menu, and you have already set this up via, this will be available for you to choose from via the app. If your child is new to school meals and has allergies, you will need to visit the above website to register and obtain a special menu before your child will be able to have school meals.
  • Home packed lunch: If your child currently has a home packed lunch, please create an account so you have the flexibility to order a school meal on any day you may require. You no longer need to inform the office if you wish to make a change to your child’s lunchtime arrangement.
  • All payments will be through the SchoolGrid system so do not make payments through the School Gateway.

Several parents have already gone on and booked lunches for their children – we would encourage you to do this early and please do come to the office if you have any further questions.

